15.5 What’s new ?
Asynchronous load from data source
Asynchronous persist to external source using kafka as a buffer to avoid redolog growth.
Space as sync end point - Space as a replication target.
A/B Testing & Schema Evolution
On-Demand Object Analysis to understand memory consumption.
Index Usage Efficiency - Percentage of index usage vs other indexes in the type.
Vertical Scaling - change cpu and memory of an instance at run time (Elastic Grid & k8s)
Horizontal Scaling - Repartition, Change number of partitions at run time (beta)
OpsManager improvements - deploy/undeploy, log viewers, Scale, Show memory consumption, Explain plan(beta) and more.
Authorization & authentication for rest manger & ops manager
ElasticGrid hybrid cloud (cluster on Premise and on cloud) + secured grid
k8s helm3 support
see more at: 15.5 What's new
Ester Atzmon
15.5 What’s new ?
Asynchronous load from data source
Asynchronous persist to external source using kafka as a buffer to avoid redolog growth.
Space as sync end point - Space as a replication target.
A/B Testing & Schema Evolution
On-Demand Object Analysis to understand memory consumption.
Index Usage Efficiency - Percentage of index usage vs other indexes in the type.
Vertical Scaling - change cpu and memory of an instance at run time (Elastic Grid & k8s)
Horizontal Scaling - Repartition, Change number of partitions at run time (beta)
OpsManager improvements - deploy/undeploy, log viewers, Scale, Show memory consumption, Explain plan(beta) and more.
Authorization & authentication for rest manger & ops manager
ElasticGrid hybrid cloud (cluster on Premise and on cloud) + secured grid
k8s helm3 support
see more at: 15.5 What's new